Parental Leave

Research on Employment Insurance Benefits Survey


Participants needed for research on Employment Insurance benefits for adoptive, customary care, and kin parents.

We are looking for adoptive, adopt-ready, customary care and kin parents to take part in a study about parental leave benefits. As an adoptive, customary care and/or kin parent, your perspective is extremely important as we investigate whether the E.I. benefit system best addresses the needs of these parents and their children.

If you are interested and agree to participate, then you will be asked to fill out a short on-line survey. You indicate your voluntary agreement to particip­ate by responding to the survey. Your participation is also anonymous.

The survey can be found at

For more information or to volunteer for this study  
please contact:

Carolyn McLeod, PhD
Western University

519-661-2111, extension 85877