Post-Permanency and Support Ontario 2014

CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES     Reducing the number of children and youth in foster care in Ontario, by creating a Post-Permanency Support Program 

Adopt4Life is a not-for-profit adoptive parents’ association that was created to strengthen Ontario’s adoptive community by connecting families touched by adoption. By offering support and empowering parents, Adopt4Life provides a lifeline for families, particularly those raising children adopted from the child welfare system in Ontario. 

Adopt4Life wants to make sure that the next government elected in Ontario understands the urgent need to find permanent families for all the children and youth in foster and group care in our province who are eligible for adoption or some other form of permanency. There are approximately 7,500 of those children and youth in care of the province; 67 percent of them did not find permanent families last year.

We believe that providing additional resources to families who adopt, become legal guardians, or enter into kinship care or customary care of children and youth currently living in foster or group care will help to ensure more of our kids find forever families.

You can help. We are asking you to do three things during this provincial election campaign, before voting on June 12.  Please:

  • Call, email, or write the candidates in your riding to ask them what their plan is to find more permanent families for children and youth in Ontario’s care. Please ask them to commit additional financial support in the next budget to support a post-permanency program to make sure children and youth from care thrive in their new families. 
  • Call, email or write the leaders of the political parties (Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Green) to ask them what their plan is to find more permanent families for children and youth in foster and group care, so they don’t age out of the system without families. Ask them to provide additional financial support in the next budget to create a post-permanency support program to make sure children and youth thrive in the new families who adopt, become legal guardians, or enter into kinship or customary care relationships with them.
  • Attend an all-candidates’ debate or town hall event, or a leaders’ debate, to ask these two questions. 

Your voice is powerful, and you can make a difference for these vulnerable children and youth where no one else can.  


We have created a template you can use to let candidates and party leaders know how much you care about these children and youth in care, and how important this issue is to you – one that you will consider when you cast your ballot. We welcome you to share some of your story, to make your email, phone call or letter more meaningful and engaging. Or you can simply use the one we have provided, inserting your name and address. If you have any questions as to how or what to, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.


Don’t know what your riding is, or who your candidates are?

(Download Sample Candiate Letter Template here)

Check here for your riding: http://fyed.elections.on.ca/fyed/en/form_page_en.jsp

Check here for candidates: http://www.wemakevotingeasy.ca/en/find-your-candidate.aspx


Leaders’ contact information:

Check here: http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/members/member_addresses.do?locale=en

Liberal Premier (Download Template Here)
THE HONOURABLE KATHLEEN O. WYNNE        kwynne.mpp@liberal.ola.org             416-325-1941
Room 281, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1

New Democratic Party Leader (Download Template Here)
ANDREA HORWATH                                               ahorwath-qp@ndp.on.ca                 416-325-7116
Room 113, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A5

Progressive Conservative Party (Download Template Here)
TIM HUDAK                                                             tim.hudakco@pc.ola.org                   416-325-8454
Room 381, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A8

Green Party (Download Template Here)
MIKE SCHREINER                                                    info@mikeschreiner.ca                519 822 6453
88 Gordon St
Guelph, ON N1H 4H6

After the election, remember to follow up with the Premier, the minister responsible for children and youth, and part leaders. Ask them to meet and talk about your concern and your request. This will further highlight the importance of post-permanency support to  “ensure Ontario becomes the best jurisdiction in the world to build families.”*

Download details about how you can take action here
Download details about who we are here
Download media release here


You know other Ontarian adoptive families?

Please help us reach out to them – so that TOGETHER, we can form a strong and vibrate community!

Invite other adoptive families to join our campaign!