Here are links for the website of info for anyone that will be adopting a newborn/infant/toddler and would like to learn about adoptive breastfeeding and it's benefits for attachment.
Breastfeeding Reporter Blog
I had the privilege of meeting April Foster, the author of this post, when I spoke in Napa, California on January 20. After my talk, “Transitioning to the Breast,” April approached me to tell me that many of the strategies I described had worked for her and her son, who she adopted at 20 months. When she told me her story, I asked her to share this amazing saga of love and devotion. April’s sons are incredibly lucky boys! --Nancy
Book and related website:
Breastfeeding Without Birthing
- Dr. Jack Newman's Guide To Breastfeeding
- Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding (Facebook page)
Online resources:
The Protocols for Induced Lactation by Jack Newman and Lenore Goldforb: