November is Adoption Awareness Month – a time to raise awareness about the urgent need to find adoptive families for the 7,000 vulnerable children in our government care system and children in orphanages throughout the world who are at risk of growing up without a secure family connection.
This year the ACO is working in partnership with Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies (OACAS), Adopt4Life (A4L) and the Children's Aid Foundation (CAF) to use November to start a year long campaign - Kids Deserve a Family - every day and all year long.
We know that Adoption gives children and youth a ‘forever family’ when they cannot live with the family they were born into. We also know that the journey can be fraught with hurdles, barriers and curves in the road. As a province we must all commit to working together to reduce the barriers, support families with the challenges and build partnerships for permanency that will ensure that every child has a FAMILY – to grow up and grow old in.
We are inviting you - our key stakeholders - to join us all year long in building the bridges and creating the pathways to permanency that we need to accomplish our vision of every child in Ontario having a family. Learn More
How can you help?
Tell us your story about how adoption has touched your life - the joys and the challenges. We know that the very best way to raise awareness about adoption is through the stories you tell. Click here to share your story or contact
Keep in touch with us through social media - like us on Facebook, join us on twitter, and visit out special website often - - we will be updating regularly with new information. #kidsdeserveafamily
Advocate to your local MPP. Our goal is to have an adoptive parent personally deliver the calendar to each MPP by connecting with their local MPP and asking to have a 'meet and greet' in November. For more information contact
There are also lots of great ways you can celebrate adoption in your home and your community. Keep in touch this month - share your thoughts, ideas, stories.
Let's make some noise this November to start the conversation. Let's keep the conversation going ALL YEAR and see what we can accomplish by November 2015.