What Worked and Didn't Work in School

I am a Foster Child; School and the Good vs. Bad

Everyone has a different experience in school and mine was not that bad. I felt that I stuck out like a sore thumb because I went to 4 different high schools in 4 years.

I think that I did not like when you had family visits at school and they call you on the P.A systems; it makes us feel like we are different than everyone else, because the students look at you like you did something wrong -- when all you are doing is going to see your family. Some teachers even allowed me to leave early so I did not feel awkward when they buzzed me on the P.A. system.

Things that worked for me was having the support from the school and them believing in me that I can do anything. The teachers were amazing because I remember my teachers taking extra time to help me and would see me before class; they made sure that I understood what they were teaching. I was a very shy person and did not like to ask questions so I liked when they helped me before or after school.

A few things that did not work was when you got singled out as a foster child -- people did not talk to me and I got bullied. They would say things like, you are in care because no one loves you, or because you are a trouble maker, or you are unwanted. Those really hurt and still stick with me to this day.

In conclusion it depends on your school and the support you have but no matter what you can do anything.