Being in care is the best and the worst possible thing that could happen to someone in the LGBTQ+ community.
Read MoreAdoption From Within A Same-Sex Relationship
For our children, adoption has altered their lives in the best way possible. We strongly believe that older children need to be given more rights and a stronger voice in their families of origin prior to apprehension and later within the public system. As a family, we will continue to advocate for the revolutionary changes needed.
Read MoreFinding Pride in 2017
It is 2017 and there should be no more stigma or fear of what is beyond your control, including who you choose to love or make family.
Read MoreBeing A Parent
“But having a Mom and Dad is more natural, isn’t it?” There it was, the dreaded “N Word”...Ask yourself the question—roses are normally red but does that make the blue rose any less beautiful or worthy of a place to bloom?
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