And still they wait

Jack* and Nathalie* embarked on their adoption journey just over 3 years ago. They started by attending the adoption information night at their local CAS, and took home an application form. 

The next 10 months were spent carefully considering if they wished to adopt. Their family already included 2 biological children, and both had work experience that exposed them to some of the challenges facing foster children. After carefully considering the existing structure of their family, they decided that they would be suitable to parent a son between the age of 2-­6.

Two years later they are finally AdoptReady, and officially waiting for a match.

Unfortunately, it has been  a very slow, frustrating process for this family. Training sessions, meetings, and homestudy interviews have always been very positive. Likewise, Jack and
Nathalie have been told that the adoption workers like them, and believe that their family has a lot to offer a child. Yet they wait months between every small step of the journey. For example, it took Nathalie months of repeated phone calls to confirm that CAS had even received their application.

Their family, friends, neighbours, church, and school community have been very supportive of
Jack and Nathalie’s decision to adopt. Their biological children are also very excited, but the long wait has been difficult and discouraging for them. Realizing that the age gaps widens with the wait, their son observed sadly that “when  our adopted kid is my age, he won’t have anyone to play with!”.

• Jack and Nathalie are experienced parents, with a stable home, experience with children in  care, and a supportive community. And still they wait...


*A pseudonym has been used in this story

Disclaimer "These stories are the perspectives of awaiting parents. Adopt4Life aims to give parents a voice, and as such stories remain unchanged even if they may appear controversial. It is the hope of Adopt4Life that by bringing awareness to the thoughts and feelings of families, together we can work to bring change that benefits everyone."