By an Adopt4Life Community Parent
To My Dear Son,
I have seen you struggle for so long, trying to understand peer relationships, day-to-day interactions. I see you try so hard to keep your body and mind still. I see the disappointed look on your face when you realize your judgment/reactions may have hurt someone. I see you struggle in school, not wanting to be different, not wanting to stand out, not wanting to always need the extra help. It’s not easy, but you my dear child, are more resilient, more determined, and more than any diagnoses.
I see you making small gains, learning to become more self-confident, defy the odds, showing the world what it means to have FASD in today’s world. I see you light up when you meet other children with FASD, saying things like “it’s not just me” and “my brain is a little broken too.”
I see the smile come over your face when you have moments of just “getting it.” Learning to identify and share your emotions. We can never change your brain damage, but you can bet your life that we’ll fight with you every step of the way for more support, more understanding and acceptance.
I will see you through each transition, see you grow and blossom, and learn. I’ll see you struggle, and become frustrated. I will see you and be with you every step of the way. Even when it’s hard, even when I don’t know how to help you, I’ll be there and I’ll see you through it.
I see you, my dear son. All of you. Don’t ever give up, my love. My only wish is that you could see yourself though my eyes to realize just how amazing you truly are.
With love,
Your mommy