By an Adopt4Life Community Parent and Child
My daughter is 8 years old and has FASD. She also has a sibling with FASD. When learning about the Adopt4Life campaign she asked to be able to have her voice included. The following are her answers about both living with FASD and a having a sibling with the same diagnoses.
What do you remember about the assessment?
I remember them asking me a lot of questions, and I didn’t like it but I got some cool toys at the end.
What are some things that you are good at, and think others with FASD are good at?
I like to play soccer, so maybe all people with FASD like soccer too. I’m good at building stuff too.
What would you want people to know about having FASD?
That were just kids, I’m like a normal kid.
What do you have a hard time with?
It’s hard to kick balls and I can’t remember things that good. Sometimes my body doesn’t listen to my brain and I get in trouble. It’s something you (mom) say we need to keep working on
What is it like having a sibling with FASD?
She can make a lot of noise, and sometimes it hard to understand what she wants. It’s kind of cool that we both have FASD—it’s like a club that only some people can be in, even if she’s annoying sometimes
What message do you want to share about the FASD awareness campaign?
That this is a good thing. We need more. I wish I knew more people with FASD ‘cause right now all I know is my sister. I hope this helps people.